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Die Suche ergab 81 Treffer

von nicola cantaluppi
10.03.2008 - 12:35
Forum: Italien
Thema: Monesi di Triora | Ligurien | 01 Marz 2008
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2142

Thanks for the good comments :D The resort is from 1380 m till aproximately 2200 m, so a good vertical drop. The are more trees that in the skimap, the picture is very old. I've founded a old map of the area with all the LASAP lifts: http://img.freeforumzone.it/allegati/13366_687_18278_695238.jpg Th...
von nicola cantaluppi
04.03.2008 - 12:24
Forum: Italien
Thema: Monesi di Triora | Ligurien | 01 Marz 2008
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2142

Monesi di Triora | Ligurien | 01 Marz 2008

Monesi di Triora | 01. Marz 2008 Das Skigebiet http://www.monesiditriora.it/images/inverno/piste.gif Geschlossene Anlagen: keine Geschlossene Pisten: keine Reise Imperia-Monesi Wetter Bewolkt Temperatur von +8 bis + 12 Schneehöhen Gute Schneelage, zwischen 50 und 150 cm Schneezustand Hart morgen, na...
von nicola cantaluppi
22.02.2008 - 15:25
Forum: Infrastrukturelle Neuigkeiten
Thema: Schweiz Projekt: Es geht bergauf
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 2027

Corvatsch, Erneuerung 2. Sektion ist am Winter 2008/9


von nicola cantaluppi
20.02.2008 - 11:35
Forum: Italien
Thema: Montecampione - 09/02/2008
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 2718

Montecampione is in the Brescia Alps, in Camonica Valley.


You can find more info of the proposed build ski resort on: http://www.montecampione.it/


von nicola cantaluppi
12.02.2008 - 22:46
Forum: Italien
Thema: Montecampione - 09/02/2008
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 2718

Montecampione - 09/02/2008

Montecampione | 09. Februar 2008 Das Skigebiet http://www.montecampione.it/images/piantina2.jpg Geschlossene Anlagen: keine Geschlossene Pisten: Fodestal (1) Reise Milano-Ospietaletti-Pian Camuno-Alpiaz Wetter Perfeckte Temperatur So irgend etwas knapp uber dem Nullpunkt. Schneehöhen Gute Schneelage...
von nicola cantaluppi
28.01.2008 - 22:53
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: corviglia: Skiwinter 07/08 St.Moritz Skiarena-Corviglia
Antworten: 189
Zugriffe: 30923

27/01/2008 - WIND Considering that this is the top post on Corviglia, I'll insert my Sunday report here. Open Lifts: http://images.imagehotel.net/798j9xzn1d.jpg Saas Ruzol lift was also open. All other lifts were closed do to extremly high winds. Here some pics: Olympia run: http://img6.pictiger.co...
von nicola cantaluppi
20.01.2008 - 01:21
Forum: Saison 2007/2008
Thema: Engadin - St. Moritz/Pontresina/Silvaplana
Antworten: 158
Zugriffe: 36090

Pistenplan Piz Nair:



von nicola cantaluppi
15.01.2008 - 21:50
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: corviglia: Skiwinter 07/08 St.Moritz Skiarena-Corviglia
Antworten: 189
Zugriffe: 30923

Maybe this is better!
von nicola cantaluppi
15.01.2008 - 21:40
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: corviglia: Skiwinter 07/08 St.Moritz Skiarena-Corviglia
Antworten: 189
Zugriffe: 30923

I know... unfortunately 100 KB is the maximum size.
If you wish I can send it to you via email.

Just send me privately your adress.

von nicola cantaluppi
15.01.2008 - 21:07
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: corviglia: Skiwinter 07/08 St.Moritz Skiarena-Corviglia
Antworten: 189
Zugriffe: 30923

Concerning the discussion of LASAP piste on Corviglia here are 2 ancient skimaps:

Map of 1985:

Map of 1988
Hope is not out of topic

von nicola cantaluppi
15.01.2008 - 21:00
Forum: Historisch + LSAP
Thema: Historisches aus St. Moritz und Umgebung
Antworten: 199
Zugriffe: 54431

Piz Corvastch in the '80s.
von nicola cantaluppi
15.01.2008 - 20:57
Forum: Historisch + LSAP
Thema: Historisches aus St. Moritz und Umgebung
Antworten: 199
Zugriffe: 54431

Lagalb old cableway, photos from the '80s
von nicola cantaluppi
15.01.2008 - 20:53
Forum: Historisch + LSAP
Thema: Historisches aus St. Moritz und Umgebung
Antworten: 199
Zugriffe: 54431

Skimaps of Corviglia of the '80s
von nicola cantaluppi
27.11.2007 - 00:18
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: corviglia: Skiwinter 07/08 St.Moritz Skiarena-Corviglia
Antworten: 189
Zugriffe: 30923

Just a pic to remember the great day (Lachtal): http://www.skiforum.it/skiforum/upload/resort/15288-20071125sils0013small.jpg Signal: http://www.skiforum.it/skiforum/upload/resort/15284-20071125sils0094smallsmall.jpg Plateau Nair: http://www.skiforum.it/skiforum/upload/resort/15286-20071125sils0031s...
von nicola cantaluppi
01.11.2007 - 19:46
Forum: Historisch + LSAP
Thema: Historisches aus St. Moritz und Umgebung
Antworten: 199
Zugriffe: 54431

The lift Skilift Li Cüni is also showed in this map were is also inserted the lift on the Muottas Muragl: http://www.funivie.org/immagini_forum/caricate/Diavolezzaanni70.jpg Another map with 4 lifts on the Bernina area: http://www.funivie.org/immagini_forum/caricate/Diavolezzainizio80.JPG More recen...
von nicola cantaluppi
01.11.2007 - 19:13
Forum: Historisch + LSAP
Thema: Historisches aus St. Moritz und Umgebung
Antworten: 199
Zugriffe: 54431

On Lagalb at the lower station there was another skilift, probably a baby:


The image is taken from a brochure.

The lift is showed in the map attached.


von nicola cantaluppi
25.05.2007 - 19:03
Forum: Historisch + LSAP
Thema: Historisches aus St. Moritz und Umgebung
Antworten: 199
Zugriffe: 54431

The cabin still exsiting was were the lift attendant house of the handle town, not of the T-bar

Hereunder some pics of the cabin is Augsut 2004
von nicola cantaluppi
25.05.2007 - 18:49
Forum: Historisch + LSAP
Thema: Historisches aus St. Moritz und Umgebung
Antworten: 199
Zugriffe: 54431

On the Vanchera there was 2 lifts a T-bar (the longest) and a handle town. The main lift was removed I think in sommer 73 or 74, for sure it was open one winter when Furtschellas was operational. The rope town closed at the beginning of the '90s. The basemet of the moutain station of the main lift i...
von nicola cantaluppi
22.02.2007 - 20:47
Forum: Infrastrukturelle Neuigkeiten
Thema: Neues im Oberengadin
Antworten: 1900
Zugriffe: 326239

Priority on Furtschellas side is the snow guns. If they have money they'll increase the area served this summer. Plans are to cover all the main slopes. First step will be the Furtschellas piste till top of the chair lift. The replacing of the Rabgiusa lift is not the main point. It'll be done after...
von nicola cantaluppi
01.02.2007 - 22:34
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: Furtschellas-Corvatsch - 27-28 January 2007
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1759

@Rabiator: Is difficult to say the height of the snow on top of Corvastch, maybe 1 meter, maybe less... The wind has drop off the mountain the snow. Mittelstation 105 cm. @Titlis: I've only two pics taken of the Surley-Murtel on Sunday. You can find theme here attached. I'm looking im my archive and...
von nicola cantaluppi
31.01.2007 - 23:54
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: Furtschellas-Corvatsch - 27-28 January 2007
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1759

Suday, super weather day!
Here the pics:
von nicola cantaluppi
30.01.2007 - 22:57
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: Furtschellas-Corvatsch - 27-28 January 2007
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1759

here the pics!
Sunday photos will arrive tomorrow!!

von nicola cantaluppi
30.01.2007 - 22:45
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: Furtschellas-Corvatsch - 27-28 January 2007
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1759

Some Saturady photos:
von nicola cantaluppi
30.01.2007 - 22:44
Forum: Schweiz
Thema: Furtschellas-Corvatsch - 27-28 January 2007
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1759

Furtschellas-Corvatsch - 27-28 January 2007

Wetter: Saturday: cloudy, some snow, in the afternoon some sun. Sunday: 100% sun Temperatur: Saturday Tal: morgens - 12°C nachmittags - 2°C Berg: - 10° C with strong wind Sunday Tal: morgens - 12°C nachmittags + 2°C Berg: - 2° C Schnee: Tal 50 cm Berg 105 cm (Mittelstation Corvastch) Very good snow ...
von nicola cantaluppi
15.01.2007 - 23:13
Forum: Infrastrukturelle Neuigkeiten
Thema: Neues im Oberengadin
Antworten: 1900
Zugriffe: 326239

In an old brochure of 1997, date of the opening of the first stage of the Corvatsch, I've founded the draws of the second stage project. This I think is what they are planning.

Zur erweiterten Suche