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New....from italy

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Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 26.02.2009 - 11:09
Skitage 19/20: 0
Skitage 20/21: 0
Skitage 21/22: 0
Ski: nein
Snowboard: ja
Hat sich bedankt: 0
Danksagung erhalten: 0

New....from italy

Beitrag von Ale »

hallo, my name is alessandro and i'm 29 years old. i'm an italian boy fron nord-est of italy(near lignano sabbiadoro). excuse me for my english and for this thread, but i don't know where post it.
in this moment i don't can understand deutsch very good, but i'm making a course. i like all boards sports and i do some of this: snowboard, kitesurf, mountainboard and longboard.
normally i'm skiing in austria sundays and mondays, because i've a girlfriend that lives in Villach, and i make the Topskipass. i love freeride and backcoutry and in a year i go around 50 times skiing.
thanks and see us in the pulverschnee :biggrin:


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